Graceful shutdown
Graceful shutdown - pattern which helps to stop the application without losing data or killing running processes (for example, response to /start
What are your last words?
(Signal Interrupt)
This signal sended when user presses Ctrl+C.
(Signal Terminate)
This signal is often sent by process managers (like Docker, Kubernetes, or systemd) when they need to terminate a process.
so we want to handle both.
Imagine you have a bot on webhooks with analytics usage.
import { app } from "./webhook";
import { bot } from "./bot";
import { posthog } from "./analytics";
const signals = ["SIGINT", "SIGTERM"];
for (const signal of signals) {
process.on(signal, async () => {
console.log(`Received ${signal}. Initiating graceful shutdown...`);
await app.stop();
await bot.stop();
await posthog.shutdown();
For first, we should stop receiving updates - gracefully stop our backend API framework (for example, Elysia).
For second, we should process all pending updates - gracefully stop our bot with bot.stop
and last, we should call posthog.shutdown()
which send captured analytics to our PostHog instance.
then we exit our process with 0 status code and it all!
this example shows how to gracefully shutdown your bot in right order for most applications.